Casual sites sold out for September Market. Send an email to be put on the Waitlist.

Next Market - Sunday 22nd September 8am-2.30pm

Casual Stallholders

Market Stallholder Information

You can only apply and pay for the upcoming Market. e.g. once the May market has finished, you can apply for the June market. Applications open on the Monday morning, 8am after the current Market has finished. If you apply for and pay for a Market that is not the next one, your payment will be refunded minus a $5 administration fee.

Casual Stallholders must apply for each Market they wish to attend. Bookings are only taken through this website, no bookings will be taken via email.

Casuals are limited to only one site per Market.

You cannot book a site for Category 1 Food through this system. No bookings taken for Category 1 food stalls.

Follow the following steps to register and pay for a casual site. 

Click on “Login” on the homepage / Or the “Smiley face Icon” on a Mobile device.

You must Register an account before you can proceed.

Submit your Registration.

You will receive an email saying ” Thanks for creating an account with Bangalow Market. Your USERNAME is ………”

You will also receive a second email which will look like this……….

Bangalow Markets     Please activate your account – Please click here to verify your email.

Check your Spam, this email may go to your Spam Folder.

Once you have verified your email you can then “Login” to your account, using your USERNAME and password.

*You will not be able to sign in until you have verified your account.

Fill in all the details including your payment details. 

Your payment will go through once you have done all the steps correctly. 

If you book and pay for a Casual site, and you receive a confirmation of your order, will are guaranteed a site at the next Market.

You will receive an email with a site number, location and a map the week of the Market.

If ” Out of Stock” is shown, it means at the moment we do not have any sites vacant, and this may or may not change between now and the day of the Market. Please send an email to and ask to be put on the waitlist. You will be emailed on the Thursday prior to the Market, letting you know if you will be given a site at the Market.

1. Login with your “username” and ‘password”

2. Click on “orders”

3. Click on “view”

4. Scroll down, click on “order again”

5. Click on “proceed to checkout”


Please fill out all details of the Registration form and upload current Insurance Policy. Any Registration that does not have all details entered may not be accepted.

You can only apply for the upcoming Market, example, you can only apply for the June Market the day after the May Market has finished. Applications open at 8am the day after the Market has finished. X number are sites are available, and you are guaranteed a site. When these sites are sold out, there are no more vacancies until the Friday before the Market, at 8am. If there are more sites available, they will be released. I know by 8am Friday how many Permanant Stallholders will not be coming and how many more sites available.

All stallholders must have their own Public and product Liability Insurance Policy with a minimum cover of $10 million. A copy of the Certificate of Currency must be produced in order to obtain a stall. Insurance cannot be purchased on the day at Bangalow Market.

Gates open 5am, you must be on your site at 7.30am, otherwise it may be given away to another stallholder.

The Market trades from 8am to 2.30pm. No cars are to be driven through the Market after 8am and before 2.30pm.

If you cannot come to the Market, you must email by 8am Thursday morning to receive a refund, minus a $5 administration fee, otherwise your payment will be forfeited.

(Updated December 2022)

  • All Stallholders please check the Bangalow Market website leading up to each market as the application process is changing and evolving.
  • Casual Stallholder sites are given to with preference to 100% Handmade who live in the Bryon Shire on a sliding scale down to those who live outside the 3 local Shires with 100% Imports.
  • Every endeavor will be made to have a site for any casual that applies, but the Market Management cannot guarantee a site for you.
  • In case of a Cancelled Market, the website will be updated, and stallholders will be notified via email. Every effort will be made to make a call to give stallholders as much notice as possible of a cancellation due to any factors arising out of our control.
  • All stall holders must have a current public and product liability insurance policy with a minimum cover of $10,000,000. No stall holder will be allowed to trade at the market without proof of this cover.
  • Please unload & move your vehicle from the stall area before setting up. All Stallholders must be on their given site by 7.30am, otherwise it may be given to somebody else.
  • All signs, stock and tent pegs must be kept within stall site boundaries.
  • All stall holders must leave their site rubbish free and take home with them their packing materials, plant boxes, empty cartons and cooking oil containers. Other waste must be separated into the appropriate bin or taken home at the end of the day.
  • All permanent stall holders must occupy their site by 7.00am, trade until 2pm during the months of May-September and until 3pm October–April, during the NSW daylight saving period.
  • No vehicles are to enter or leave the Market area before these times, unless otherwise notified to by Bangalow Market Management.
  • All vehicles need to be parked or vacated from the Market area by
  • In case of an emergency and a stallholder needs to leave and they require to move their vehicle through Market customers, Management need to be notified so an escort can be arranged for the safety of all concerned.
  • If you are unable to attend a Market, please email a week before the Market, if possible, as we start to allocate casual stall sites on the Monday before the market.
  • Permanent Stall Sites will be forfeited after two consecutive non-advised Missed markets will incur a $5 holding fee if notification is before 6pm on the Saturday before the market, otherwise the holding fee is $10. Food and Drink stalls will incur a full site fee as the holding fee if your intended absence is not advised by 6pm on the Thursday prior to the market.
  • The basic site fee is $40 per stall site and $50 for category 1 and 2 Food and Drink stalls.
  • Stall holders must have their stall fee ready for payment by 10am. Please have the correct money so that no change is required.
  • Stall sites are not transferable and new permanent sites will only be offered to those who make, refurbish or grow their own product and live in Byron, Ballina, Lismore or Tweed shires.
  • Stallholders wishing to add new products to their stall must firstly email the Market Manager and obtain approval before introducing the new product(s).
  • If you are eligible to sell your stall, market management must be notified and the purchaser must live in Byron, Ballina, Lismore or Tweed Shires and be introduced to the market manager. At the time of sale the stall may be moved to another site.
  • Only fruit and vegetables grown in Byron, Ballina, Lismore and Tweed shires may be sold at the Bangalow market.
  • All stallholders must adhere to any current COVID-19 Compulsory Requirements and Best Practice Guidelines set out by the NSW Government and or NSW Health.
  • Inappropriate behavior by stallholders, including threatening or aggressive behavior, directed towards staff, other stallholders or members of the public, is not permitted.
  • Smoking is not permitted by any stallholder on their site.
  • It is your responsibility to update Bangalow Market Management with any change of contact information, email address, Currency of Certificate, Food Permits etc.
  • Any official complaints are to be made to the Bangalow Market Manager.
  • Any queries, change of site application, permanent stallholder application or change of details are to be made in person at the Information Van between the hours of 2pm and 3.30pm.
  • Any application for a Change of Site will be made solely by the Market Manager. Any application will be accessed on the betterment of the overall market, the availability of sites and a decision will be made case by case.
  • Any Casual Stallholder that applies to be a permanent Stallholder must meet the criteria set out below.
    • 100%Handmade
    • Must attend 3 consecutive markets that are held.
    • Must NOT be clothing or jewelry. No more of these stalls will be given Permanent status until otherwise noted.




  • These sites are limited, and Cat 1,2 & 3 Food and Drink stallholders must reside in Byron, Ballina, Lismore or Tweed shires and be licensed by Byron Shire Council. A copy of the Council Permit must be made available upon request from Bangalow Market Staff.
  • The primary component of Cat 1&2 items must be created by the stallholder.
  • Cat 3 items must be made or grown in Byron, Ballina, Lismore or Tweed shires and are pre-wrapped and bottled foods and fruit and vegetable items.
  • Food stalls must use compostable products for all food that is to be consumed at the market.
  • Single use plastic straws, cutlery, plates, and bowls are now banned by the NSW Government. Food Stalls are expected to adhere to this new Government policy.



Market Management reserves the right to change the Conditions For Stallholders, and stallholders will be notified of any said changes.

There are no Permanent Stallholder sites available until further notice.

If you Google ‘market insurance for stallholders’ you will be given a range of companies that cover stallholders at competitive prices.

Most Business Insurance policies can be extended to cover sales at markets.

The current basic stall fee is $40 for craft stalls and $50 for category 1 and 2 food and drink stalls for a 4 metre frontage. Stall site depths vary. Please have exact money so that no change is required.

At the moment there is no availability for;

Category 1 food and drink stalls (made or served on site).

Category 2 food and drink stalls (minimal processing on site).

Category 3 food stalls (pre packed) such as jams, cakes, condiments etc are welcome, subject to being licensed by Byron Shire Council.

All food products must be produced by the stallholder in Byron, Ballina, Lismore or Tweed shires.

Only fruit and vegetables grown in Byron, Ballina, Tweed and Lismore shires are allowed to be sold at the market.

Buskers may perform at suitable locations in the market grounds for a period of no more than 20 minutes in each location. After 20 minutes you may move to another location.

Suitable locations are those where pedestrian access will not be blocked as a result of a crowd gathering to watch or listen to a busker performing.

Market management reserve the right to ask buskers to stop performing as a result of inappropriate behaviour or if access by market goers to stalls and/or exits are blocked as a result of a busker’s performance.

Buskers are not allowed to use any form of sound amplification at the Bangalow Market. (This policy is a part of the Byron Shire Market Policy).

You can only apply and pay for the upcoming Market. e.g. once the May market has finished, you can apply for the June market. Applications open on the Monday morning, 8am after the current Market has finished. If you apply for and pay for a Market that is not the next one, your payment will be refunded minus a $5 administration fee.

Casual Stallholders must apply for each Market they wish to attend. Bookings are only taken through this website, no bookings will be taken via email.

Casuals are limited to only one site per Market.

You cannot book a site for Category 1 Food through this system. No bookings taken for Category 1 food stalls.

Follow the following steps to register and pay for a casual site. 

Click on “Login” on the homepage / Or the “Smiley face Icon” on a Mobile device.

You must Register an account before you can proceed.

Submit your Registration.

You will receive an email saying ” Thanks for creating an account with Bangalow Market. Your USERNAME is ………”

You will also receive a second email which will look like this……….

Bangalow Markets     Please activate your account – Please click here to verify your email.

Check your Spam, this email may go to your Spam Folder.

Once you have verified your email you can then “Login” to your account, using your USERNAME and password.

*You will not be able to sign in until you have verified your account.

Fill in all the details including your payment details. 

Your payment will go through once you have done all the steps correctly. 

You will receive an email with further details after this is complete, within 7 days of the scheduled Market.

If you book and pay for a Casual site, and you receive a confirmation of your order, will are guaranteed a site at the next Market.

If ” Out of Stock” is shown, it means at the moment we do not have any sites vacant, and this may or may not change between now and the day of the Market.

If more sites become available, they will become available online on the Friday before the Market at 8am.

Bangalow Markets
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